Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Bogged Down by 'things'

I constantly find myself thinking or saying 'I have too much stuff! I feel controlled by my stuff. I'm overwhelmed by all of this STUFF!' Yet, I have not been able to really do anything about it.

As I begin a new chapter - moving into a new place and becoming a homeowner - I feel incredibly motivated to purge and simplify. It sounds so easy in my head. I read an article with all these tips and I think, 'Yes, I can so do this!' Then I get home. And I start sorting through things. And I find myself saying 'But the bunnies might want to play with this toy someday (even though they barely played with it two years ago).' Or 'Even though this is waaaayy too big, I can just put a belt on it and it becomes less hideous.'

Why do I struggle so much? I never thought of myself as a hoarder, but now that I am really sitting down and trying to simplify my life, I feel so incredibly attached to the smallest, insignificant things.

I don't want to move into a new place with a bunch of crap that I don't use or things I am holding onto for some magical day when the timing is right and all of a sudden I need this one item that for years has just been collecting dust.

It's far too easy to talk yourself into keeping something.

So, with the help of multiple online resources, I continue in the struggle to let go of the material and to make room for the moments, the stories that are connected to those random objects.

Helpful Sources
12 Ways to Unclutter
14 tips for a less materialistic lifestyle
Escape Materialism and Find Happiness

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Long overdue update

It has been a hot second since I updated this blog. In fact, I forgot it existed until today and did not recall the numerous posts I had written before.

So many big, exciting things have happened since my last post. In August 2011, I got my first post-college job at a small consulting company in NOVA. I was hired as a Junior Technical Writer, but ended up doing so much more. I had the opportunity to really step up and take on responsibilities beyond writing user guides or release notes.

I went on my first business trip (Battle Creek MI) to  conduct a training course on the application I was working on.  I flew by myself, got a rental car and drove the two hours to the training location, and stayed in a hotel on my own. Everything went better than I thought it would and I survived the weekend without much anxiety. It was an incredible experience, one that allowed me to prove myself to my team and my company.

After 16 months at this company, I decided to explore other options. In December 2012, I found myself at another small consulting company, this time closer to home. I am in a Junior Business Analyst / QA role and I absolutely love it. I learn something new on a daily basis and am constantly challenged by the work.

In September, I finally moved out on my own. Don't get me wrong - living with Mom and Dad was great. Having free, home cooked meals was great. Having built in bunny babysitters was great. Wait...why did I leave again? Oh, right - that whole independence thing. I love my new place and it is conveniently located. Only 15 minutes away from my parents!

My plan is start updating this more and maybe post about things that will interest people. I'm going to change the focus of this blog, as things have shifted and the old title no longer applies. I'll mostly post about books I'm reading, TV shows I'm watching, and all those small moments that make me smile.