Sunday, June 26, 2011

And it goes on...

Several weeks later and I am still without a job. I have to admit that this search is turning out to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be.

Everyone has advice for me. Every single person I talk to. At this point it is starting to get annoying. Yes, I know that it is normal to be living with my parents. But hearing that from every other person does not make me feel less pathetic about the situation. Yes, it takes a long time to get a job in this market--at this point I am well aware of that. I don't need to be reminded on a daily basis. I know that everyone cares and that's why they say this kind of's just wearing me down at this point.

I can't even count on two hands the amount of jobs I have applied for since I've been home. I know it's been more than 10. Of course I'll keep trying. I look every couple of days just in case a new opportunity has popped up on USAJobs, DICE or Monster.

I can't help but feel that this particular journey is just beginning. I'm not sure I like that. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Everything is Coming Together

On Monday I had a job interview for the PERFECT job. It is honestly the perfect mix of what I want to do and what I have dreamed I would be doing. Not only that, but it is in the aerospace industry, which is a huge plus because I have grown up surrounded by that. And an added bonus is that it would require occasional travel to California. I think the interview went really well but I don't want to get my hopes up. It would be beyond amazing to get this job but I don't want to put all of my eggs in this one basket.

I have another potential job opportunity that I need to look into. A family friend sent my resume to a DC company and they want to do a "phase one phone interview." I have my heart set on this other job, but I know I should pursue other jobs still.

My room is FINALLY painted. We moved almost everything in last night so for the first time in at least two weeks, I got to sleep in my bed. It is different from before but not too different. I don't feel like I am in a completely different room but I do feel like I am in a more mature, less cluttered space. Over the next few days I have to move the small things back into my room and I plan to toss a lot. Anything that is not really essential is going in a trash bag...I do not need to have 20 plastic duckies sitting on my shelf.

In the meantime, I wait for news from the interview and try to pursue other options. But things are coming together.