Monday, May 23, 2011

New Guilty Pleasure?

Tonight, on a whim, I watched the Bachelorette. For months I have read my cousin's blog where she constantly bashes the show and its idiotic participants. Yet here I am.

There were a lot of attractive men on the show tonight. Not only that, but they were established working men with seemingly stable lives. For a brief moment I thought "okay this is the way to meet guys." Then I was slapped into reality by the realization that the people on that show make dating WAY worse than dating under normal circumstances without any cameras.

One guy, Tim, got completely wasted and passed out the first night. Really Tim? As a 35 year old man, who distributes liquor for a living by the way, you decide to showcase that you can't handle your alcohol? Real smooth.  It was no surprise that he got sent home after being passed out snoring on the couch.

Another guy, Bentley, was supposedly only on the show for publicity for his company. He seemed like a slippery snake to me! But of course, the Bachelorette gave him a chance despite being warned by a friend of his intentions. Then the previews basically show her falling in love with this toolbag and him breaking her heart. Yes, on one hand I feel for her. She is a cute, nice and trusting girl who really does not deserve that. But on the other hand, she is on a reality TV show looking for love. And she was forewarned and she ignored the "proceed with caution" message.

I hate to fall victim to a show that is so staged and completely ridiculous, but hey it's not Jersey Shore right? (By the way, I will be watching the fourth season of that when they are in Italy.) I think this show, as stupid as it is, will be my new guilty pleasure. Most of my other shows have all ended for the season so I won't have much to watch anyways...


  1. 1) I like William. He's freaking adorable. Has to stop with the weird impersonations though.

    2) Not sure how I feel about Ashley. I think I liked her better suits her personality.

    3) Mask man is hilarious. Whoever chooses the music to go with the footage is brilliant because of their choices for when he stepped out on the balcony. bahahaha I laughed so hard.

    4) Tim. wth????? He was a jerk about the mask guy. Really...if it creeped him out so bad, okay, but why did he feel the need to talk about it so much. Obviously wearing a mask is much more offensive to him than getting plastered and not being able to form a sentence. Wow.

    5) I like JP (even though he's hairless...I would say bald. Hairless works), Ryan P. when he isn't giggling like a girl, and Blake.

    6) Bentley looks more like a Neanderthal every time I look at his picture. haha

  2. Ooh JP is my favorite! I absolutely love him.

    I think my mom really likes William too.

  3. JP just seems to be a complete sweetie, BUT that never works out well. They normally end up taking the back seat and getting kicked off. :(

    And I just think William is cute when he smiles. Reminds me of a Wallace and Gromit character. haha
