Saturday, May 28, 2011

I Will Remember.

A song that is always appropriate during times of great change is Sarah McLachlan's "I will remember you." I can't count on one hand the number of times I have sung or listened to this song when a big change in my life occurred.

In the spirit of this song, I want to mention all of the experiences and people from this past year--my last year at college--that I will remember.

Some awesome experiences and adventures I will always remember are:
  • Going to the Halloween party with Alan and Amanda where the drunkest guy ever danced with me, well if you can call it dancing
  • The EWR tailgate and the peeing banana (need I say more?) 
  • My 22nd birthday, which was by far the BEST birthday I have ever had
  • The Big Event 
  • Every Tang Soo Do test and the cookout
  • Walking around Pandapas park
  • It raining every time Ash and I tried to go hiking
  • Roadtripping with Sarah and going to Soundfest
  • The Undergraduate Conference
I don't think this senior year would have been as amazing without the great people in it. I don't think I would have survived my apartment without Sarah, who without a doubt was the best person to go home to at the end of a long day of classes. Everyday we spent together was definitely a blast and full of pure and simple fun. I don't think I would have gotten through all of my classes and the Undergraduate Conference without Evia who is by far the best teacher I have ever had. I won't forget all our random chats and how you told me you hated me every day :)

I had so many great weekends with Amanda and Alan and I am so thankful that they let me tag along to parties and dinner. You two were so great at not making me feel like a third wheel and we had some awesome times together, like the Halloween party where Alan was a mummy or going to the river with Miss Khloe and of course every football game! Through Amanda I met Krista, who I loved instantly. I remember that she came by Cabo where Amanda and I were eating and she literally made me laugh all night. I told Amanda that I definitely needed to hang out with Krista more often! She was like a breath of fresh air in my life! This past semester I spent some time with Krista and her boyfriend and it was so fun. Thanks for helping me celebrate my graduation...that was a great night!

And of course I can not leave out Ashley and Michael who not only helped me with Tang Soo Do but were really good friends, always willing to listen. I remember when Michael told me that I could always come talk to him even though he was my teacher. I do believe I took you up on that one a lot :) Ashley was someone who was always up for anything. She was there for me when my relationship ended and even went to see Hop with me. We had two amazing days that consisted of driving around Blacksburg with no set destination and the other day we went to parks. What could be better?

Without all of you, this past year would not have been one of the best that I had at Virginia Tech. I appreciate your friendship, guidance and advice so much and I am so thankful to have such great people in my life.

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